FY 20-21 September 2020 thru August 2021

View the FY 22-23 Annual Report

View the FY 22-23 Annual Report

Tim GammaAs chair of TCIA, I am very proud to say our industry organization is strong and operating at a high level of professionalism. After navigating through the COVID-19 disruption, TCIA managed to operate without laying off staff and utilizing a line of credit for a limited amount of time.

Through shrewd management by David White and the entire leadership team, we financially made it through a tough economic time successfully while still providing the membership the services they deserve. Our financial position and reserves have never been stronger and place TCIA in a solid position to impact the industry positively.

Early in 2021, we still engaged the board via zoom (more often than the traditional face-to-face meetings.) In June, we held our first in-person board meeting and made critical decisions to use our resources to serve the membership best wisely.

We just witnessed the largest TCI EXPO in history, with the most equipment ever on the trade-show floor and a record of more than 4,000-plus attendees. Most tree care companies around the country are reporting record or near-record sales in 2021. Challenges remain for us – labor shortages, equipment shortages, parts shortages, inflation affecting fuel, labor cost, repair cost, etc. In addition, most companies are backlogged for 2 to 3 months with continued business still coming in yet, fortunately profit margins are increasing. As members of TCIA, we are more prepared than our competitors to prevail through these economic times.

TCIA continues with its mission of advancing tree care companies. Your board comprises dedicated team players who give their own time and talents to further our mission-setting strategic direction and develop new ways to assist our members with the challenges we face every day. We will focus primarily on training, retaining and recruiting employees and enhancing business practices to build long-term, stable, profitable and professional businesses.

Our company joined TCIA in 1963, the year I was born. I’ve seen a lot of changes over the last 58 years. Our industry has come a long way and for the better. It is gratifying for me to see the progress made and that we now have the financial strength to grow and make a significant impact on the tree industry. The following report highlights our success as our organization. I wish all of you the best and hope to visit with you at WMC.

Tim Gamma
TCIA Board Chair, 2021-2022

The Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA) is a trade association of 2,000 tree care firms and affiliated companies that was established in 1938 as the National Arborist Association.

Despite finishing FY’21 with nearly $2.6M less revenue than FY’20, TCIA finished the fiscal year with approximately $20k in net income from operations (before interest, dividends, and investments). This gap was closed thanks to keeping expenses more than $500k below budget and receiving two Payroll Protection Program loans totaling more than $1.6M. Those loans were forgiven before the end of FY’21.

The following pages of this Annual Report chronicle the accomplishments and journey of TCIA during our Fiscal Year (FY’20-’21) September 2020 – August 2021.

Our core focus is to advance tree care businesses.

What we’re good at:
Providing connections, resources, and training to the tree care business community.

3-year goals (8/31/2024):

2,500 Active Members (1,500 Engaged)
500 Corporate Members (300 Engaged)
750 Accredited Facilities
90% Member Retention Rate

10-year goal (2030):

We have defined what it means to be successful and we have 6,000 tree care member companies that meet that definition.


Be of Service

Be Team Players

Be Driven

Be Adaptable

Be Principled


Be Committed

Be Team Players

Be Strategic

Be Open-Minded

Be Stewards of the Industry

The Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA) is a trade association of 2,000 tree care firms and affiliated companies that was established in 1938 as the National Arborist Association.

Despite finishing FY’21 with nearly $2.6M less revenue than FY’20, TCIA finished the fiscal year with approximately $20k in net income from operations (before interest, dividends, and investments). This gap was closed thanks to keeping expenses more than $500k below budget and receiving two Payroll Protection Program loans totaling more than $1.6M. Those loans were forgiven before the end of FY’21.

The following pages of this Annual Report chronicle the accomplishments and journey of TCIA during our Fiscal Year (FY’20-’21) September 2020 – August 2021.

Our core focus is to advance tree care businesses.

What we’re good at:
Providing connections, resources, and training to the tree care business community.

3-year goals (8/31/2024):

2,500 Active Members (1,500 Engaged)
500 Corporate Members (300 Engaged)
750 Accredited Facilities
90% Member Retention Rate

10-year goal (2030):

We have defined what it means to be successful and we have 6,000 tree care member companies that meet that definition.


Be of Service

Be Team Players

Be Driven

Be Adaptable

Be Principled


Be Committed

Be Team Players

Be Strategic

Be Open-Minded

Be Stewards of the Industry




189   first-time new member tree care companies.

931  tree care companies renewed their memberships.

588 tree care companies rejoined TCIA.

1,708   tree care member companies.


Hired 2 full-time membership experience coordinators to provide full-time member call-in support. April 2021


TCIA Podcast: 9,436 downloads.

171,446 new users to

23,639 new users to

2,019 mobile app users.

Followers on social media

IG 18,500

FB 28,820

Twitter 7,861

YouTube 1,135

LinkedIn 9,574

Less than 5% of incoming calls to TCIA go to voicemail during open hours.

Call resolution rate above 9%
Chatbot Stats for 5,900


As of August 2021, TCIA had 326 corporate members (manufacturers, distributors and service providers for the tree care industry).

This is a 12% growth from the previous year!

TCIA Corporate Membership Logo
TCIA Corporate Membership Logo


As of August 2021, TCIA had 326 corporate members (manufacturers, distributors and service providers for the tree care industry).

This is a 12% growth from the previous year!


TCIA launched a website entirely dedicated to sharing useful articles, TCIA opportunities, and other tips and tricks for business success in the tree care industry.


In 2021, we had 21 annual sponsors.

Corporate members also took advantage of individual event and experience sponsorships, including for our podcast.


TCIA launched a website entirely dedicated to sharing useful articles, TCIA opportunities, and other tips and tricks for business success in the tree care industry.


In 2021, we had 21 annual sponsors.

Corporate members also took advantage of individual event and experience sponsorships, including for our podcast.

TCI Summit

Our first ever TCI Virtual Summit’21

welcomed more than 90 exhibitors and sponsors. Companies created digital booths and connected with 1200-plus attendees via online chats, links to videos, custom landing pages and more. Although not a replacement for TCI EXPO, it presented an opportunity for our corporate members to support and engage their tree care industry clients.


A new look and a new Editorial Advisory Committee was introduced!

TCI Magazine website averages approximately 9,000 unique users each month, resulting in roughly 16,000 pageviews each month, highlighting TCI Magazine’s continued growth beyond print.

TCI Summit

Our first ever TCI Virtual Summit’21

welcomed more than 90 exhibitors and sponsors. Companies created digital booths and connected with 1200-plus attendees via online chats, links to videos, custom landing pages and more. Although not a replacement for TCI EXPO, it presented an opportunity for our corporate members to support and engage their tree care industry clients.


A new look and a new Editorial Advisory Committee was introduced!

TCI Magazine website averages approximately 9,000 unique users each month, resulting in roughly 16,000 pageviews each month, highlighting TCI Magazine’s continued growth beyond print.


The pivot continues to include a mix of virtual and in-person events and training to expand our reach.


TCIA provided guidance to currently approved instructors on how to leverage online courses in their workshops.

TCIA conducted a Job Task Analysis Survey for the Tree Care Company TCIA Trainer Qualification certificate course (a key component of the TCIA Capacity Building plan).

Then TCIA created a course outline for the Trainer Qualification Certificate and shared it with a group of active, currently approved trainers for review and comment.

Successful execution of first in-person Peer-to-Peer Group meeting since COVID-19

Completed the 2021 Webinar Series and made all recordings available to members on

  1. The 5-Part Plan for Working Safely with Trees
  2. Staying in Compliance in 2021 and What to Expect into 2022
  3. Biomechanics for Tree Climbers
  4. Your Online Marketing Plan – How to Maximize Your Lead Flow
  5. Business Foundation Basics
  6. Tree Work Safety – Don’t Forget Your Feet!
  7. Crew Leader Strategies

Created and organized our first sold-out, Women in Tree Care Full-Day Workshop for November with key industry leaders.

Hosted a sold-out Executive Arborist Workshop in Dallas, TX, as our first “return to in-person” event.


Fan favorite:

Created new paperless CEU process for TCI EXPO and all TCIA meetings


  • TCIA applied for and was awarded an OSHA Susan Harwood Training Grant for safety training for 2022.

  • Finalized and deployed 5 online training courses:

  • EHAP Electrical Hazard Awareness Program

  • Ground Operations 1: Fundamentals

  • Ground Operations 2: Chipper Specialist

  • Ground Operations 3: Chain-Saw Specialist

  • Aerial-Lift Operations 1: Fundamentals


educational/training program certificates were issued for

  • EHAP

  • Tree Care Academy

  • Qualified Crew Leader



Launched the Member Advantage Program, which helps tree care company members find discounts and unique opportunities on important products and services from corporate members that help improve their businesses and elevate the overall standards of tree care.

The program is free for our corporate members to become involved in and free for our tree care company members to access – all built directly into

This webpage is shared with tree care company members through email outreach, print promotion, and via our Member Engagement Coordinators.


  • Participated in American Forests (AF) Pre-Apprenticeship Guideline task force. AF decided to use TCIA’s Arborist Apprenticeship Year 1 as the model for the recommended learning objectives and curriculum for its Pre-Apprenticeship program.

TCIA has developed a free, online certificate course called “Intro to Arboriculture Safety.” This course can be accessed and shared via

This free safety education is a key component of our future tree care careers initiative, introducing the world of arboriculture to a new generation of prospective tree care professionals.

  • TCIA continues to work with Butte College and the California Community College system to support the use of TCIA Arborist Apprenticeship Training Program/EHAP curriculum, including participating in 12 cohort graduation ceremonies for more than 100 graduates.


TCIA not only endorses this program, TCIA has also joined the Multiple Employer Aggregation Plan.

TCIA offers this group 401(k) solution to our members. It is a “Multiple Employer Aggregation Plan.” The program gathers many tasks involved in operating a retirement plan and outsources them to industry experts who handle many of the administrative recordkeeping and fiduciary services.



The A300 Committee holds
2 meetings per year.

ANSI standards need to be revised every
5 years, so revising each of our
10 current industry standards is a big job.

Part 4 – Lightning Protection Systems
Part 6 – Planting and Transplanting
Part 10 – IPM
were all sent to public review.

  • Committee members continue to be trusted voices in the industry, speaking at local and national events on the standards, including at the 2020 ISA Annual Conference.

  • Key steps were made toward consolidation of the A300 Standards, a long-term goal of the committee. This included the scope, purpose and application for the standards, as well as the definitions from all 10 standards.

  • TCIA staff prepared for the A300 audit in Q1 FY 2022. ANSI audits accredited standards developers every 5 years to ensure compliance.


Launched and published 32 editions of TCIA’s new policy and politics weekly e-newsletter.

(We are not loggers!)

  • TCIA sent letters of support for a separate OSHA standard for arborists to various members of Congress including Senator John Hickenlooper (D-CO), chair of the Senate committee with OSHA oversight.

  • TCIA secured a lobbying firm with Boston connections to engage with Labor Secretary Marty Walsh (former Mayor of Boston) and his staff over a separate OSHA standard for arborists.


CTSP certifications were
issued, from 32
workshops, the most ever
in a single year.

There were a total
of 2,477 CTSPs at the end
of August 2021.

TCIA is proud to announce that the Certified Treecare Safety Program (CTSP) has been
in place for 15 years!

We had 5 outstanding CTSPs who made it to the 15-year milestone, showing consistency and dedication to creating a culture of safety in the industry. (We sent them a cool jacket from Arborwear to show off their 15-year patch!)


Newly TCIA Accredited facilities

Conducted 84 Loss Control site visits
(for safety and business liability),
141 Accreditation site visits, and
1 Business consulting site visit.


The print issue of TCI Magazine includes a bi-monthly Spanish language feature.

The revamped TCI Magazine website can be translated into multiple languages, to help expand our reach.

TCIA translated the Tree Care Academy Crew Leader manual and the bulk of Arborist Apprenticeship Training Program Year 1 and Year 2 Student and Instructor manuals into Spanish following industry standard translation protocols (American Spanish).